Friday, March 17, 2006


Family update...I had major surgery on Tuesday March 14, all went well . There was a little more to be done then anticipated but the Doc. did a great job. I came home today on Friday March 17 and we should have test results in two weeks. I need to thank my husband, children and parents. It will be a long and possibly difficult recovery but I am blessed with an amazing family to get me through. My loving and devoted husband stayed by my side from early in the morning til late at night every day. I cant imagine not having such a loving person by my side. "I love you baby you are awesome!" My parents also were there every day to make sure I was okay.It meant a great deal to me to have them here for all of us. I got great comfort knowing they were praying for me during the surgery and that they were there to comfort Jim during this very difficult time. Thanks to all of our family and friends for your love, support and prayers. I feel very blessed! Posted by Picasa


Mom2DraBrittGunn said...

You did a great JOB! I knew you would, take it easy and I'll help you anyway I can! We love you!

Marcy, Jim, Marty, Elijah, Zachary, Nicholas, Gabriel and Caleb said...

THANKS for the gifts. I really apreciate your thoughtfullness!

Fun At Our House said...

I love this picture!! I printed it and framed it and where all those pics of Tim and family were on stairwell are gone and this and the kids and me and my family now are. I love you guys so much!! Hope you take care Marcy! You should make a copy of this and put it in that photo album.